Chulhee “Charlie” Yun
Chulhee “Charlie” Yun
Research Group
Fair Streaming Principal Component Analysis: Statistical and Algorithmic Viewpoint
Junghyun Lee
Hanseul Cho
Se-Young Yun
Chulhee Yun
Trajectory Alignment: Understanding the Edge of Stability Phenomenon via Bifurcation Theory
Minhak Song
Chulhee Yun
PLASTIC: Improving Input and Label Plasticity for Sample Efficient Reinforcement Learning
Hojoon Lee
Hanseul Cho
Hyunseung Kim
Daehoon Gwak
Joonkee Kim
Jaegul Choo
Se-Young Yun
Chulhee Yun
Practical Sharpness-Aware Minimization Cannot Converge All the Way to Optima
Dongkuk Si
Chulhee Yun
Provable Benefit of Mixup for Finding Optimal Decision Boundaries
Junsoo Oh
Chulhee Yun
Tighter Lower Bounds for Shuffling SGD: Random Permutations and Beyond
Jaeyoung Cha
Jaewook Lee
Chulhee Yun
On the Training Instability of Shuffling SGD with Batch Normalization
David X. Wu
Chulhee Yun
Suvrit Sra
SGDA with shuffling: faster convergence for nonconvex-PŁ minimax optimization
Hanseul Cho
Chulhee Yun
Minibatch vs Local SGD with Shuffling: Tight Convergence Bounds and Beyond
Chulhee Yun
Shashank Rajput
Suvrit Sra
Open Problem: Can Single-Shuffle SGD be Better than Reshuffling SGD and GD?
Chulhee Yun
Suvrit Sra
Ali Jadbabaie